Inisghtful material to introduce you to sustainable journalism.
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Climate Journalism that works

'News Report 2023: Climate Journalism that Works' provides insights and recommendations on how to report on climate change in a way that engages audiences and drives action

Standing up for a Sustainable World: Voices of Change

This book was published in 2020 and includes two interesting chapters (55 and 60) the relationship between journalism and sustainability.

Sustainability: Going Beyond the Buzzword

"Often praised by donors but rarely defined, sustainability is a major challenge for both media and assistance organisations."

From Traditional Journalism to Sustainable Journalism

Article written by Lars Tallert, for the Global Investigative Journalism Network.

Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development

The basis for sustainable development, including journalism.

Digital Discussion: What Is Sustainable Journalism And How To Get There?

The Constructive Institute's take on sustainable journalism.